Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The last beat of the drum.....

 She boomed her last boom.....well for now anyway!

She Boomed her last boom.....well for now anyway!

Lord Levi Mac

After years of pining for my very own miniature dachshund buddy, I took the plunge and extended my family, much to the disgust of my Mother (she was expecting grandchildren).
Lord Levi Mac by day, Leroy Brown by night, he's absolutely amazing.
Bring on our adventures in London.....

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Men of the Howff!

So I spent 10 weeks in a caravan on a TV set, with an art department consisting of these guys.....

They're harmless....honest!

Series 5 Wrap Party

Just a few to wet yer appetite!

Dani's House Mug Shots

Series 5